Kohei Fujii Guitars

Kohei Fujii Guitars

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Juzz Nylon Complete

Jazz Nylon model is completed. I played using D'Addario Pro Arte Ej46 strings. This guitar showed excellent and very loud sound since beginning. I was so surprised with full of over tones. In this built, I employed the Carbon Epoxy composite technique using the balsa lattice design. Carbon Epoxy composite configuration made a real differentiation. I am vary happy with this result. This configuration makes very dry and metallic sound with full of over tones. So the sound character is different from traditional nylon string guitars. I will show this guitar in the La Guitarra California festival in between September 22 and 23. Please come and check it out.


Sunday, August 6, 2017

Final Corting

Jazz nylon model was completed pore filling and final coring works. Filling work has been done by Epoxy and Silica thickener combination. Honduran RW has large pours, and it required three filling and sanding sessions. After complete the sanding sessions, I applied Alcohol thinned Epoxy except top for making even color. Then, I stained the top as Yellow. After completed the staining, I applied four layers of EM6000 finish. Next morning, I had a 1200-grit sanding session. Then, I applied additional three layers of EM6000. Jazz Nylon will sit at least next 10-days for curing the finish.