Kohei Fujii Guitars

Kohei Fujii Guitars

Sunday, February 24, 2013

MD assemble

I finished final tuning for the top, and then applied couple of coats of Shellack. Top and side fittings for the sides are done. Back is already assembled to side. After assembled the back, I applied couple of coats of Nitrocellulose lacquer for moisture sealing inside the box. This time, I did not use the Shellack into the black wood surface,  because the black wood has very dark resin. Resin will spread all over the bracing if I use Alcohol based shellack. It makes messy finishing inside the box. Sprayed finish created nice and shiny surface. Now, this MD body is ready to close the box.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

SSJ side assemle complete

SSJ side assemble is complete. SSJ model also has the beveled armrest,and it install work was completed. Now, three sides are ready for closing box. Next week, I start closing the boxes. Once finish the box closing, I will work for neck blanks making. Then, I back to detailed purfling and binding works for the body.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

SSJ assemble part 2

This week, I was quite busy for my private stuff. I do not have many progress. I did SSJ model assemble, and top side surface leveling using a contour sanding board. Now, you may see completed three bodies. You may also see the difference of the body shape. SSJ has quite narrow waist with wider lower bout width. I will make solid linings for the SSJ top side, and will install it next week.